When I first read this book as a teenager admittedly it flew over my head. I have come across excerpts of it from time and time. Now, having read the...
Someone very close to me constantly fights with the question: “is the universe eternal?” Which, to me, is a weird thing to...
तम्हीद (भूमिका) : अल्जीरिया,लेबनान,मिस्र,सऊदी अरब,यमन, कुवैत,ईरान,इराक़,जॉर्डन,इस्राइल,फलस्तीन,शाम,तुर्की, बुलगारिया...
When I first read this book as a teenager admittedly it flew over my head. I have come across excerpts of it from time and time. Now, having read the...
It is a great deal of rejoicing and delighting to think about our Prophet’s appearance and arrival in this world ,and our happiness and joy...
It is a great deal of rejoicing and delighting to think about our Prophet’s appearance and arrival in this world ,and our happiness and joy...
मुझसे अक्सर ये सवाल किया जाता है कि मैं (अपने बच्चों को) घर पर कैसे पढ़ाती हूं,क्लास का वक्त कितना होता है और ये किस तरह चलती है। इसलिए में यहां...
Reviews on books
When I first read this book as a teenager admittedly it flew over my head. I have come across excerpts of it from time and time. Now, having read the...
An analytical study of “Mothering a Muslim” After reading reviews about the book ‘Mothering a Muslim’ authored by Nazia Erum...
My Today’s experience
Dear sister in Islam Khadija Bint A R Rahman! Assalamu Alaikum Some days back when you came on the stage and interviewed your father wearing Hijab...
Influential Personalities
कुछ लोग होते हैं जो मर कर भी नहीं मरते हैं उनका काम, उनकी सोच हमेशा के लिए दिलों में ज़िंदा रह जाती है , वह लोगों के आदर्श , रोल- माडल बन जाते हैं...